Friday 29 January 2010

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Train Spotting Opening Titles

The sequence begins with a low shot of people walking on a street, before we see a pair of legs in skinny jeans running away from someone across the pavement. The shots are quick and hurried - mostly we just see his face contort and his clothes flap about as he runs. We see him run down these steps - the cracked paint gives a picture of urban decay. The shots continue to flick quickly, to correspond to the urgent, energetic music - Iggy Pop's Lust For Life. A car tries to pull out, he rolls over it and the police run past him. He looks at the camera and grins manically, in disbelief. We here the voiceover of him scathingly saying "Choose Life, Choose a job, Choose Dental Bills" etc, describing the things we experience in the humdrumness of everyday life.

Monday 25 January 2010

I went round the location filming; unfortunately some of the clips have shortened at the start and end so the ends of my sentences are cut off. However it is still worth watching, if just to get a good feel for the location.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Snatch Title Sequence analysis

1. We see a man examining a diamond, he has a gaunt face and a plain coat- he reminds of Shane Mcgowan of the pogues. The camera zooms in and we see the title 'snatch' as the screen rotates and zooms out again, to see a man with moustache examining it with a magnifying glass. The screen then freezes with the characters name photoshopped to the side.
2. He stands up, puts the diamond in a safe, the camera moves through the safe and it is opened from the other side, showing a black man who takes out some money and throws it - he has a cigar in his mouth and we see his name is Sol.
3. the money lands on a table in a caravan, with Brad Pitt taking it and threatening to backhand someone trying to take it from him. the frame freezes and we see his name is Mickey. We then see he got his way and has put the money in a box, he takes a small bag from his friend and throws it...
4. ... to Vinny, who is sitting at a desk and takes jewels out of it, grinning, before freezing and we see his name. The screen turns upside down, where we see some gambling chips fall...
5. the screen rights itself and we see a man in shades brandish some cards - the screen freezes and we see his name is franky four fingers. He puts the cards on the table...
6.which are picked up by a man in a trench coat, who stands up, hands them to a friend and the screen freezes and reveals his name is Turkish, he walks towards a man who is boxing, who freezes and his name is Gorgeous George. The irony is that in the shot he is not gorgeous at all - he has several teeth missing.

Research Feedback

I am going to analyse 3 opening titles in detail looking at camera shots, setting, music and dialogue, to take inspiration for my sequence. After this, i will need to take Reccy shots of my location.

Monday 18 January 2010

Sequence Inspiration - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

1. The video begins on a street corner, with the cameraman moving in from behind the customers of the stall, as if he were one. We then see a head shot of the thief, before the screen flicks up with a credit, flicking back to a head shot. We then see a mid shot of him with customers on either side. another credit flicks up, we can see another head shot of him as he uses body movements to illustrate the cockney banter he is having.another credit flicks up.
2. We see a head shot of his partner, who is pretending to be a buyer. At this point the onlookers liven up and begin to buy - the camera continues to move around from the customer's perspective. We then see his partner looking out for policemen, before flicking back to the camera looking from the customer's perspective.

3. The partner then shouts something incoherent and they both chuck all the goods in the suitcase and run. The policemen push through the people and head after them. We then see a long shot of them appearing from round a corner and running into a side road, straight past the camera, over a barricade and into a warehouse, with the police lagging behind the. Music starts at this point - ocean colour scene - 100 mile high city.
4. The partner now slides into view at the landing of some stairs - with the camera at the foot of the stairs- in slow motion as he slides into the wall. a narrator informs us that his real talent is in gambling, then the scene speeds up again and we see the seller try to throw the suitcase down the stairs towards him but it come open and all the goods spill everywhere; the narrator tells us that he is basically past it. the goods and suitcase fall on his partners head and they leave the screen, which after a couple of seconds flicks up with the title. The font is basic, and is reminiscent of a typewriting font.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Sequence block

I have decided to make my film a crime film, set on a farm. Firstly, A few teenagers are lounging around in a barn or caravan. Then, a thug turns up, trying to buy something that the lads have - this is not revealed - but the police have followed him there, and the boys and the thug run off. Each character is given a photoshopped frame, introducing each character's name.

Wednesday 6 January 2010